Alabama Heritage
Susan Reynolds, Editor
Box 870342
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Phone: (205) 348-7467
Alabama Heritage is an award-winning history magazine that educates, inspires, and entertains with stories of Alabama’s history and culture. Alabama Heritage is a quarterly and is co-published by The University of Alabama, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, and the Alabama Department of Archives and History.
Alabama Literary Review
William B. Thompson, Editor
English Department
Smith Hall, Room 254
Troy University
501 University Avenue
Troy, AL 36082
Phone: (334) 670-3971
The Alabama Literary Review (ALR) is a state-sponsored literary journal publishing regional and national writers and is generously supported by Troy University and the Troy University Foundation. Published once a year, the ALR is offered as a free service to all Alabama libraries as well as to two- and four-year institutions of higher learning in the state of Alabama.
The Auburn Circle
Michelle Mandarino, Editor
Student Publications Suite
Foy Union Building
Auburn University, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-4142
The Auburn Circle is Auburn University’s literary and art magazine. We feature photography, prose, poetry, art, interior design, graphic design, architecture, music and so much more! This past year we featured our very first film and song submissions!
Aura Literary Arts Journal
Ashley Tippet, Editor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
1400 University Blvd
Birmingham, AL 35205
Phone: (205) 934-3354
Instagram: Aura_UAB
Aura Literary Arts Review is an award-winning creative literary magazine that is published through the Student Media division of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The publication is led and run by UAB students from various departments including English, communications, foreign languages, computer science, biology, and more.
Birmingham Arts Journal
Jim Reed, Editor
107 Twentieth Street South
Birmingham, AL 35233
Phone: (205) 326-4460
The Birmingham Arts Journal publishes outstanding work by authors and artists from throughout the world. The Journal is operated without profit by passionate volunteers, who believe that exceptional works by the famous, not-yet-famous, and never-to-be-famous deserve to be published side by side in a beautiful and creative setting.
Birmingham Poetry Review
Adam Vines, Editor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
HB 203
1720 2nd Ave South
Birmingham, AL 35294
Phone: (205) 934-4250
Birmingham Poetry Review is a UAB publication that includes original poetry, translations, and reviews. Each issue includes Featured Poet and Featured Essay sections.
In past years the journal has published work by poets of such national merit as Gerald Stern, Kathryn Starbuck, Amanda Shires, Mira Rosenthal, G. C. Waldrep, Gary Soto, Ted Kooser, Angela Ball, Ricardo Pau-Llosa, Christopher Buckley, Dick Allen, Betty Adcock, Erica Dawson, Daniel Anderson, David Bottoms, Claudia Emerson, Debora Greger, Mark Jarman, David Kirby, Edward Hirsch, Andrew Hudgins, Allison Joseph, William Logan, Medbh McGuckian, R. T. Smith, Natasha Trethewey, Pimone Triplett, and Sidney Wade.
Black Warrior Review
James McKenna, Editor
Black Warrior Review
Box 870170
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Phone: (205) 348-7257
BWR publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and art twice a year. Contributors include Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winners alongside emerging writers. It centers and supports human beings and aesthetics historically underrepresented in literary publishing.
Dark River Review
A National Undergraduate Literary Magazine
Alabama State University Department of English
Dark River Review is a national undergraduate literary magazine, sponsored by the Department of Languages and Literature at Alabama State University. Our first issue was in 2014.
Fiction Attic
Michelle Richmond, Founder & Publisher
Fiction Attic Press is a small, independent publisher dedicated to publishing works of exceptional literary merit. We publish flash fiction, short stories, and memoir here and on our Medium site. The goal of Fiction Attic Press is to promote well-written, thought-provoking fiction and nonfiction with a fair dose of “elegant wit.”
Livingston Press
University of West Alabama
Joe Taylor
University of West Alabama
Station 22
Livingston, AL 35470

Marr’s Field Journal
Kathleen Kelly, Editor-in-Chief
Marr’s Field Journal
Box 870170
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0170
Phone: (205) 348-7264

Negative Capability Press
Sue Brannan Walker, Editor
62 Ridgelawn Drive East
Mobile, AL 36608
Phone: (251) 591-2922
On 21 December 1817, the poet John Keats wrote his brothers, George and Thomas about the quality that forms “a Man of Achievement, especially in Literature, and which Shakespeare possessed so enormously—I mean Negative Capability, that is when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.” This important statement about being capable of contemplating the world without the desire to try and reconcile contradictions and doubts became the philosophy behind the journal Negative Capability. The first issue was published in Mobile, Alabama in July 1981. The journal became one of the more prominent journals in the United States.
NELLE (formerly poemmemoirstory)
University Hall, Room 50657
1402 10th Ave. South
Birmingham, AL 35205
NELLE celebrates and publishes the best, most innovative writing by women. The journal is a UAB publication staffed by faculty and students and funded by the English Department and the College of Arts and Sciences. It was founded by Linda Frost in 2001 under the title poemmemoirstory, and edited by Kerry Madden from 2010-2017. The journal was renamed NELLE for its 2018 issue edited by Lauren Slaughter.
The Oracle
Krisha Amin, Editor
University of South Alabama
501 N. University Blvd.
172 VAB
Mobile, AL 36688
Published since 2003, Oracle is supported by the University of South Alabama Student Government Association, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Departments of English and Visual Arts, and it is available at no charge to students, faculty, and staff. The journal is student-run and uses a blind-review process with multiple evaluations of all submissions.
Rebecca Harbor, Editor
PO Box 2006
Huntsville, AL 35804
Only the best poems from thousands of national and international submissions are selected for publication in POEM. Published and distributed by HLA twice each year to members and major libraries, this literary journal is recognized as one of the finest poetry magazines in the United States. POEM has been published continuously since 1967.
The Prelude
Huntingdon College
The Prelude is Huntingdon’s literary magazine, featuring selections of art and creative writing submitted by students and faculty. The magazine is edited by a student editor, selected by the Prelude adviser and the faculty of the English program, according to current standards of literary merit. The Prelude serves the academic community by providing students with an opportunity to express in literary form their feelings and ideas. The Prelude offers to the College community a stimulating and provocative representation of student writing and encourages the free exploration of originality and significance through the celebration of the life of the mind. Interested students should see a member of the English Program faculty in Flowers Hall.
The Rubicon
Troy University
The Rubicon is a student literary journal published by the English Department of Troy University in collaboration with the Department of Art and Design on the Troy campus. The journal is run by students, and it publishes original works by Troy University students.
Southern Humanities Review
Anton DiSclafani, Rose McLarney, Editors
9088 Haley Center
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-9088
Southern Humanities Review is the literary quarterly housed in the Department of English at Auburn University. Founded in 1967, SHR publishes fiction, poetry, and essays.
Work published in SHR is considered for Best American Essays, Best American Short Stories, Prize Stories: O. Henry Awards, and the Pushcart Prize.
Southern Literary Review
Allen Mendenhall, Publisher
Southern Women’s Review
Alicia K. Clavell, Editor
The Southern Literary Review celebrates Southern authors and their contributions to American literature. We feature classic writers who have defined Southern literature, and we highlight emerging authors with interviews, profiles, and book reviews. We support independent bookstores.
Steel Toe Review: A Journal of Southern Arts & Letters
David Hornbuckle, Founding Editor
Steel Toe Review publishes an annual print issue (except some years when we don’t) and an online issue whenever we feel like it. We publish mainly literary short stories and poetry, but also essays, creative non-fiction, one-act plays, and visual art. We favor Southern writers and Southern themes, but we are willing to consider any writing of quality. We are interested both in the decay of traditional Southern culture and in the continuing evolution of Southern culture. Most of all we strive to represent the diversity of the modern South and try to avoid stereotypes and cliches.
The Sucarnochee Review
Kelly Ann Jacobson
University of West Alabama
English Department Station 22
Livingston, AL 35470
The Sucarnochee Review, named for the Sucarnochee River that runs nearby, has been published annually by the Department of Languages and Literature since 1974. In recent years it has published fiction, poetry, art, and photography from students, faculty, and writers nationwide.
THAT Literary Review
Kent Quaney
AUM English
POB 244023
Montgomery AL 36124
THAT Literary Review is affiliated with the Department of English and Philosophy and the College of Arts and Sciences at Auburn University at Montgomery.
Victorians Institute Journal
Albert D. Pionke
Department of English
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
The Victorians Institute Journal is an award-winning, refereed scholarly journal that publishes articles, reviews, and newly edited texts of interest to scholars in Victorian and Edwardian literary and cultural studies. The Victorians Institute Journal welcomes innovative submissions that contribute to any aspect of Victorian and Edwardian literary and cultural studies in the twenty-first century.
Wide Angle, A Journal of Literature and Film
Samford University
Margaret Kirby, Managing Editor
A joint publication between English majors and faculty, the journal embodies the interdisciplinary nature of the Department of English at Samford University. It provides a venue for all Samford students, faculty, and alumni to publish their best critical and creative work.
Wingspan Literary Magazine
Katie Boyer
Bethune Deramus Hall 215
Jefferson State Community College
Birmingham, AL 35215
(205) 856-6085
Wingspan is the literary and arts magazine published each year by Jefferson State Community College, usually appearing in the Fall semester. Our mission is to bring together a range of poetry, prose, art and photography to produce a magazine that reflects the work and interests of both our college community and the communities we serve.