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Join poet Nancy Owen Nelson and author Harry Moore for a reading at Auburn University’s Pebble Hill.

Nancy Owen Nelson earned her BA from Birmingham-Southern and her MA and PhD from Auburn University. Her poems have been published in The South Dakota Review, Graffiti Rag, What Wildness is This: Women Write About the Southwest, The MacGuffin, A Cloud of Possibility, Oberon, and This/That/Lit online journal. Published books include her memoirs, Searching for Nannie B: Connecting Three Generations of Southern Women (2015) and Divine Aphasia: A Woman’s Search for Her Father (2021); her poetry chapbook, My Heart Wears No Colors (2018); and her poetry book,Portals: A Memoir in Verse (2019). In 2019, her poem “Africatown,” was awarded second place for free verse in the Alabama Writers Conclave competition.

Recipient of the 2014 Writers Exchange Award from Poets & Writers, Harry Moore is the author of the poetry collection Bearing the Farm Away (Kelsay Books, 2018) and four chapbooks: What He Would Call Them(Finishing Line Press, 2013); Time’s Fool: Love Poems (Mule on a Ferris Wheel Press, Huntsville, AL, 2014); Retreat: A Way Forward(Finishing Line Press, 2017); and Beyond Paradise: The Unweeded Garden (Main Street Rag, 2020). His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, Plainsongs, Xavier Review, Pudding Magazine, Main Street Rag, South Carolina Review, Blue Unicorn, Slipstream, Anglican Theological Review, Ponder Review, and other journals.

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