Join us for a special three-part series on Russia’s great nineteenth-century writers led by Lee Farrow, Chair of the Department of History and World Cultures at Auburn University at Montgomery. Farrow’s first program will be held Thursday, September 7, at 5:30pm. Her topic for the evening will be the work of Alexander Pushkin, widely considered Russia’s greatest poet, and his contemporary Nikolai Gogol, who both critiqued Russian society and government through their writing, the only way intellectuals could challenge the autocracy in a (relatively) safe manner. Pushkin, in particular, highlighted the impotency of Russia’s educated upper class and created the trope of the “superfluous man” that would dominate Russian literature for several decades. Three cheers to Steve Brickley, whose request for “intellectually stimulating bookstore programming” led us to reach out to Lee Farrow. Our sincere thanks to Dr. Farrow for gifting us with this program. You won’t want to miss it.

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