Alabama Authors Directory
The Alabama Authors Directory is a resource for readers, editors, publishers, educators, librarians, program planners, and the simply curious to discover and learn more about writers with connections to the state.
Authors directly submit their entries via this form, including publications, availability for programs and workshops, and contact information. Easily searchable and updated, the directory will grow and become more valuable with each entry.
Alabama authors are writing in every genre, for every age and interest, and in just about every corner of the world. From the new and emerging to the underknown to the best known, the Alabama Authors Directory is a resource to discover writers and works that reflect our rich, lively literary culture.
All information is provided by authors or their representatives. Entries are published as submitted after review for format and appropriateness. AWF reserves the right to screen and deny any content deemed inappropriate.
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About Beth Thames
Genres: Fiction, Nonfiction, Journalism
Available for: Readings, Workshops, In Person, Remote
Bio: I am a retired college English teacher and have been a columnist for Alabama Media Group for thirty years. My work has been aired on NPR’s All Things Considered and has appeared in The New York Times, Atlanta Magazine, Southern Living, Working Mother Magazine, Birmingham Magazine, and other state and regional magazines. After attending a writing workshop in Dublin, I was invited to join other American journalists on a tour of Ireland sponsored by the Irish Tourist Board. Travel writing remains …Read More
As above
Huntsville Pen Women Creative Spirit Award–2019
Ruth Hindman Fellowship in Writing–1990
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