Alabama Authors Directory

The Alabama Authors Directory is a resource for readers, editors, publishers, educators, librarians, program planners, and the simply curious to discover and learn more about writers with connections to the state.

Authors directly submit their entries via this form, including publications, availability for programs and workshops, and contact information. Easily searchable and updated, the directory will grow and become more valuable with each entry.

Alabama authors are writing in every genre, for every age and interest, and in just about every corner of the world. From the new and emerging to the underknown to the best known, the Alabama Authors Directory is a resource to discover writers and works that reflect our rich, lively literary culture.

All information is provided by authors or their representatives. Entries are published as submitted after review for format and appropriateness. AWF reserves the right to screen and deny any content deemed inappropriate.

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Les Abernathy

Hometown: Montgomery, AL Lives in: Montgomery, AL

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About Les Abernathy

Genres: Fiction

Available for: Readings, Workshops, In Person

Bio: Les Abernathy is the New New York Times Bestselling author of dozens of books. Or at least he will be if he ever gets determined enough to write them. As of now, he has one finished book and two others that are halfway done to the point where he downright needs to finish them. The good news is they will probably release long before the next book in a certain fantasy series turned TV show. He has no doctorate, has never been on anyone’s top 100 lists, or has ever worked as a deckhand on a pirate …Read More ship. He writes the stories he wants to write in the way he wants to write them, and that’s all he needs. He currently lives in Montgomery, Alabama with his loved ones, friends, and systemic racism.


The Variant War (A Novel), Self-published, May 8th, 2023

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