About Us
The Alabama Writers’ Forum was founded in 1993 to honor the state’s distinguished literary heritage and support its ongoing literary culture.
Our programs include Writing Our Stories, a nationally recognized creative writing program for justice-involved youth and general student populations. Our Alabama High School Literary Arts Awards program recognizes young writers, their teachers, and schools, awarding scholarships for achievement in a wide variety of literary arts. The Forum supports the Alabama Writers Hall of Fame in partnership with the Alabama Center for the Book (University of Alabama). Our website provides robust and up-to-date content for literary news, reviews, resources, and events. And our online Alabama Authors Directory provides information about writers and their works and awards, as well as their availability for readings, workshops, and other programs.
Alabama Writers’ Forum works with a wide network of state and national partnerships to support, advocate, and promote writers and reading throughout the state. A partnership program of the Alabama State Council on the Arts, the Forum has been funded by national organizations, including the National Endowment for the Arts and LitNet, as well as by state agencies, corporate sponsors, and individual and corporate members.

Fannie Flagg and Harper Lee at the Alabama Writers Symposium in Monroeville, AL. Flagg received the 2012 Harper Lee Award.