Alabama Authors Directory

The Alabama Authors Directory is a resource for readers, editors, publishers, educators, librarians, program planners, and the simply curious to discover and learn more about writers with connections to the state.

Authors directly submit their entries via this form, including publications, availability for programs and workshops, and contact information. Easily searchable and updated, the directory will grow and become more valuable with each entry.

Alabama authors are writing in every genre, for every age and interest, and in just about every corner of the world. From the new and emerging to the underknown to the best known, the Alabama Authors Directory is a resource to discover writers and works that reflect our rich, lively literary culture.

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Harry Moore

Hometown: Decatur, AL Lives in: Decatur, AL

Contact Information

  • Email:


    • 633 Jackson St. S.E.
      Decatur, AL 35601
      United States
  • Phone: (256) 278-1766
  • Preferred Contact Method: Email, Form on My Website


Social Media

About Harry Moore

Genres: Poetry

Available for: Readings

Bio: For four decades Harry taught English in Alabama community colleges, mostly at Calhoun Community College in Decatur. He holds degrees from Auburn, Rice University, and Middle Tennessee State.
Since retirement in 2009, he has published seven books of poems, most recently, We the People: Confessions of a Caucasian Southerner from Broadstone Books.
His poems have appeared in the Alabama Literary Review, South Carolina Review, Main Street Rag, Slipstream, Anglican Theological Review, Sow’s Ear …Read More Poetry Review, and other magazines and journals across the country.
In 2014, he received the Writers Exchange Award from Poets & Writers in New York. He lives with his wife, Cassandra, in Decatur, Alabama.

Works: Books:
What He Would Call Them, Finishing Line Press, 2013 (chapbook)
Time’s Fool: Love Poems, Mule on a Ferris Wheel Press, 2014 (chapbook)
Retreat: A Way Forward, Finishing Line Press, 2017 (chapbook)
Bearing the Farm Away, Kelsay Books, 2018 (full …Read More collection)
Beyond Paradise: The Unweeded Garden, Main Street Rag Publications, 2020 (chapbook)
Broken and Blended: Love’s Alchemy, Kelsay Books, 2021 (full collection)
We the People: Confessions of a Caucasian Southerner, Broadstone Books, 2024 (full collection)


2014: Maureen Egan Writers Exchange Award from Poets & Writers

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